

Ada sedikit pengumuman nih, mulai saat ini Defrontier Blog tidak hanya akan share mod GTA SA, tetapi akan share mod-mod yang menurut ane pantes ane share, seperti mod CS, WE, PES, GTA seri lainnya, dan lain-lain.
Jadi Agan bisa lebih banyak mendapatkan mod game yang agan inginkan dari blog ini.

Cukup sekian pengumuman dari ane, akhir kata ane ucapin terima kasih.


GTA Vice City + Trainer

Sudah lama gak update blog karena banyak aktivitas di dunia nyata, eh malah kepikiran ama game jadul ...
Jadi sekalian aja ane update blog + update game juga.
GTA Vice City ini adalah game penerus dari game GTA 3 dan game sebelum GTA San Andreas yang udah lama keluar. Kali ini ane mau share juga trainernya, siapa tahu ada kesulitan dalam memainkan game ini bisa menggunakan trainer yang udah ane sediakan. Jadi dari pada banyak basa-basi, nih ane kasi linknya & good luck ....

GTA Vice City Full

GTA Vice Cit RIP

 Trainer GTA Vice City
Pass if needed: 64:65:66:72:6f:6e:74:69:65:72:62:6c:6f:67

BioHazard Alert Beta 0.5b Remake

Udah tau kan mod ini ?
mod ini merubah GTA SA kamu menjadi seperti dunia survival seperti di RE. nah bagaimana, penasaran? nih ane kasi SS-nya:
tapi sebelum itu, marilah kita bersama-sama berdoa sebelum memainakan mod ini, siapa tahu nanti pingsan saat maen. wkwkwkwk

Linknya: Di sini

New IDM 6.07 Build 11 Full Jamu Pecet

NEW Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.07 Build 11 - Software download manager that helps speed up the file we downloaded 5 times faster. Support resume and schedule downloads. Update IDM once, among others, automatic updating addresses when downloading files that we download link expired / no longer valid, adding rtmp resume to sites that previously could not be Resumes by IDM, etc..

What's new in version 6.07 build 11?
(Released: Sep 15 2011)

-> Added video stream recognition for several new web players
-> Fixed a critical bug in 64bit versions of Win
-> Resolved the problem with expiration of download links on youtube. Fixed automatic updating of download addresses
-> Added digest authentication for proxy authorization
-> Added rtmp resume for many sites where IDM could not resume in the past
-> Improved downloading for the sites which generate temporary download links

How to Fix Problems in CS Xtreme

I will give tutorials for fix problems often encountered in CS Xtreme.

Q1: How To Fix "Error 5899: Metadata file missing or Damaged [1 ]!!!"
A1: Solution:
      ► Go to C: \Program Files\Counter-Strike Xtreme
      ► Double click half-life.bat
      ► Then to Option > Video > Renderer, change to D3D Render Video
      ► Quit from Half Life
      ► Start the game, and have fun ....
Note: If you to change Render Video to OpenGL, you have to change any resolution you want ...

Q2: How To Fix "Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of it dependiencies not correctly registered or missing"
A2: Solution:
      ► Download MSCOMCTL.OCX on
      ► Copy to C:\Windows\System32
      ► Start the game again, and have fun ...

Q3: How To Fix "SV_ModelIndex: model models/nst_wpn/v_knife_w.mdl not precached"
A3: Solution:
      ► Download this file on OR Open this page
      ► Copy to C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike Xtreme\cstrike\models\nst_wpn
      ► Start the game, and have fun ....

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