Know Who's not Counter Strike Counter Strike Extreme Extreme.Enjoy the game from The Best On Counter Strike. Character, Other Weapons And Some New Modes [Zombie Mode, Death Match, ETC] After waiting for Several Months Of It final relase Namely Counter Strike Extreme Finally V5 Counter Strike Extreme V6 Release Also There Some New Features That added: 2 NEW CHARACTERS, NEW MENU, NEW BACKGROUND, MORE SHOOT, NEW ANIMATION & FUN STUFF, Zombie Unite and much more. For Weapons There are 17 new weapons.
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nice English bro
one important question, knapa smua zombie mode ga bisa jalan??
pilih zombie mode malah te2p ke mode normal -,-
Its Not Working For Windows 8
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Ayo agan - agan, dicomment posting ane. Jika ada yang salah sama posting ane, harap dilaporkan pada pihak yang berwajib, wkowkowkowkokok.
Eh salah, maksudnya ke ane, hehehehe.