Tips N' Trick GTA SA:MP

I will share some tips about GTA San Andreas Multiplayer, Link download GTA SA:MP & Servers GTA SA:MP (Indonesia's Server)
IndoGamers SA-MP =
IndoGamers SA-MP 0.3c R2 LVTDM-IDGS =
IndoGamers SA-MP 0.3c [LSDM : 90 Percents] =
GTA San Andreas Multiplayer Ind-Pro Server Roleplay =
Nusantara Roleplay Server =

A few tips for beginners:
Walking And Running
To Walk Just Click on the WASD where W = Forward, S = Backward, A = Left, D = Right
Running For Almost Same As Space Walk Again But Pressed Plus - time
Building Entrance And Exit

For Press Building Entrance Keys Chat / T / `, then type / enter
For Press Building Exit Chat button / T / `, then type / exit
Entrance Into Vehicles In Driver / Passenger And Out Of Car And Drive By For Passenger

To Log in to Car As Driver Press F
For Entry Into Passenger Vehicle For Press G
For Out Of Car Just Hit Enter
To Drive By The Passenger Just Press H After Go For Passenger Vehicles

Note:  Sorry, if there are errors in this post I've made a good word or link. Thank you


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